Monday, May 30, 2022

Losing It Ch.06⸻Visitors

﴾Content: 18+, analingus/rimjob, big dick, breathplay, bullying, cum in mouth, cum swallow, excessive cum, girls with dicks, multiple orgasms, oral sex [fellatio], rough sex, teasing﴿

Chapter 6⸻Visitors

Embarrassment—or rather, utter mortification was a relatively new emotional state for me at the time, and it certainly wasn’t because I avoided potentially sticky and embarrassing situations. Hoeing comes with a number of occupational hazards, societal shaming chief among them, but you’ll sooner drown a fish than shame Mia Marie Kamiya out of grabbing the bag.

So, it wasn’t just that Millie’s load strung off my face like melted cheese in a Pizza Hut commercial. It wasn’t just that it sloshed audibly in my cheeks when I turned my head to look at the intruder. It wasn’t even that I’d been caught literally begging to be painted in the most embarrassing possible way.

As far as first impressions go, I figured this had to be about as bad as you could get. While the number of people whose opinions I give a fuck about is a very short list, Millie’s family had found their way into that rather exclusive group.

With my eyelashes thoroughly glazed, I couldn’t make out much detail from the figure at the top of the stairs. The laugh seemed to suggest sibling rather than parent, which was a bit of a relief. Then again, thinking of my family, that might be something of a double-edged sword. Hopefully, Millie’s family was slightly more functional than mine.

“Lizzie!?” Millie cried out, pulling the blanket up to cover both of us.

“Honestly, I was sure I was going to find you jacking it at your computer again…” Lizzie laughed as I heard her feet thumping down the stairs, “…but this is way better. Did you and one of your little nerd friends finally shred the V cards?”


“Fuckin’ hell… you really painted her. I can’t even tell who that is. But if I had to guess… my money’s on…” Lizzie paused to consider, “…Polly? No, wait! Jamie?”


“C’mon, Miwwie,” Lizzie snickered, “Ain’tcha gonna introduce me? Maybe we can share~”

The crashing of several heavy objects served as Millie’s answer as she pitched everything she could find at her mischievous sister. A sewing machine cover. A tray table. A bishoujo statue. But it was one of my shoes that seemed to finally find its mark.

“Ow! Jesus, you fucking gorilla! I was just joking!” Lizzie called back, her voice accompanied by the thud of her retreating up the stairs, “We’ll be in the living room when you’re done being a drip.”

“W—w—we!?” Millie stammered, slightly panicked.

“Just me and Brie, relax. Mom and Dad are still gone—Oh, and my girlfriend, I guess. A pipe burst at our apartment. Mom said we could crash here for a few days,” Lizzie paused for Millie to say something, but when she didn’t respond, Lizzie just moved on, “We ordered dinner if you’re hungry. Brie already went to bed, so we’ve got extra food for your uh… guest…?”

“Ok—k—…kay,” Millie nodded, her cheeks still pink, “Thank y—…you.”

“Okay… snrk…” She snorted with barely contained laughter, “You and your li’l toaster strudel might wanna hit the showers before you come up, though.”

“I’m s—so sorr—y—y…” Millie apologized, barely above a whisper as Lizzie’s footsteps disappeared from the stairway, “I swear I—I d—idn’t kn—ow—ow they w—were coming…”

I tilted my head back to send the sticky wad down the hatch, but it was definitely a mistake to swallow it all at once. I felt my esophagus painfully stretch to accommodate the oversized load as it rolled slowly toward my stomach. Millie’s posture shifted slightly, and she tried to hide her wilting erection’s noticeable hop at the strained quartet of gulps it took to clear my mouth.

“It’s… fine,” I croaked, patting my chest a little to coax it down.

“O—…oh,” Millie paused, a little lost, “I um… guess—… I thought y—you’d be a little more… u—upset.”

“Me too. M’not though…” I shrugged, “Maybe I burned up all my energy throwing that little hissy fit earlier.”

I winked and stuck my tongue out at her, but my little flirt got a response that I didn’t expect—an awkward silence and a long stare at the floor.

“So… um—… does th—that mean…?” Millie began.

I tilted my head.

“Well… I mean… do y—ou want to um… try? Like… us?”


Now it was my turn to stare at the floor. I felt like the rope in a particularly personal tug of war, from an emotional standpoint. My heart wanted this, my libido wanted that, my ego wanted yet another, and my head was doing a poor job of brokering any sort of peace between them.

The absurdities inherent in our… situation were not lost on me either. What started as a transactional bit of casual fucking had somehow morphed into a far more intimate situation, and that left some big questions unanswered. For example, I knew every fun little sweet spot on that titanic cock, but I did not know what her favorite food was. Or even what she did for fun. There was a near-one hundred percent chance that this was going to end in disaster. Saying yes would be utterly insane.

“I mean… I’m telling you that I’m bad partner material…”

Millie had that kicked puppy look on her face again as I trailed off.

I cleared my throat, inadvertently filling my mouth with her taste again. God, the sex was so good. Was that all this was? Libido leading the heart astray? That wasn’t normally a problem for me, but maybe the dick was just too good this time.

There’s… only one way to find out though… right?

“…Just don’t say I didn’t warn you, okay?” I conceded.

Millie gave it her best attempt at playing cool, but the ruse was somewhat undercut by her excitedly vibrating form. Nonetheless, she managed to contain her outburst to a single bounce and a soft, “yay!”

In her giddiness, she hugged me briefly, forgetting that I was still painted with her load. We both grimaced as the air-chilled, half-dry jism squished between our bodies.

“Sh—…shower?” She suggested.

“Shower…” I replied.

Millie lifted me up and started toward the bathroom.

“We like… need to talk though, okay?” I asserted, finding my confidence in that statement oddly shaky, “About like… how we’re doing this. Rules and stuff…”

“Of c—course!” Millie smiled.

“L—later though…” I clarified.

God, I had lost count of how many times I had cum today. A dull soreness radiated from my bikini line to mid-thigh, each of my dual sexes aching with the strain of being near-constantly aroused for the past five hours or so.

Millie helped me wash her cum out of my hair—which was much more of a process than I imply here, by the way. For the sake of narrative structure—and for no other reason—we’ll just gloss over that.

Anyway—I figured the only way to come back from such an embarrassing first impression was to show up looking flawless the second time around. So I blow-dried my hair, tied it up in a cute bun, and gave myself a little glow-up with my cosmetics armory.

“H—…” Millie started to say something but when her stutter kicked in, she just sort of let it go.

“Hm?” I prodded, blending the blush on my cheeks.

“How do y—…ou do that… so f—f—fast?” She finally asked, quieter than I had come to expect from her.

“Lots of practice, I guess…” I shrugged, checking my work—flawless, as always.

“Oh… of c—c—…course…” Millie responded flatly.

I glanced at her in the mirror. She looked away a little too late, so I caught her staring.

“Why?” I prodded again, finishing up.

“Oh… I’m j—ust bad at it…” Millie laughed in a way that made me really sad, “I’ve n—never had smooth sk—kin before…”

Have you ever stumbled into a conversation that ended up being a much bigger deal than you realized? Like, at first you just think they’re being weird, but then you realize that they’re trying to like… confide in you? And then you feel bad about how you answered? Feel kind of like a huge bitch? Me either.

“I have some tones to match your complexion…” I hopped to the side and started digging through my cosmetics kit, motioning for her to stand in the light.

“O—Oh… n—no don’t w—w—w”

“I wasn’t asking, Millie,” I insisted, gesturing a little more emphatically. She didn’t argue the second time, “Alright, now hold still…”

I sat on the vanity and went to work.

“Done,” I nodded as I slipped Millie’s glasses onto her face, “Whatcha think?”

Millie didn’t say anything at first. She just kept touching her face and smiling in the mirror. After a moment or two I had to smack her hand away.

“Hey! Quit touching it so much. It’ll smudge if you keep that up,” I scolded, stowing my supplies, “It’s not good for your skin, anyway.”

“Sorry…” Millie apologized, but it didn’t dampen her smile.

And sure… her skin looked smooth and even. Her stupid, pretty, green eyes looked even more vibrant. Her hair wasn’t so frizzy. But her giddy smile was what kept drawing my eye.

“Oh. Hold on. I need to do your lips…” I puckered up my lips, signaling her to do the same.

“Oh, o—o…kay…” Millie responded, presenting her lips as instructed.

I stood up on my toes and pressed my lips to hers. Her eyes shot open in mild surprise before happily fluttering closed. The stamina in my one good ankle ran out in short order, so it wasn’t as passionate of a kiss as I’d have liked. Millie didn’t seem to mind though.

We headed up the stairs as soon as we had dressed ourselves—or rather, Millie carried me up to save me the indignity of hopping up one stair at a time.

Lizzie waved us over as we reached the top. The coffee table housed a few pizzas, a couple bottles of soda, and a basket of wings. I realized that I hadn’t eaten anything since this morning as my stomach began to growl. Well—solid food, anyway.

“Help yourselves. Brie crashed in Mom & Dad’s room after we got here, so we’ve got extra,”

“A—…are class—ses still uh… wearing h—er out?” Millie asked as we sat down.

“Yeah. She just got through with her clinicals when that pipe burst, so she’s… pretty… beat…” Lizzie’s studded eyebrows climbed steadily as her gaze slowly shifted to me, “This… isn’t one of your nerd friends.”

Millie smiled nervously. She shoved a slice of pizza into her face in an obvious attempt to avoid the questions that she knew were coming. Lizzie spun her snakebites with a sly grin as she stared down at me in the silence that followed.

Lizzie looked a bit different without the extra protein in my eyes, unsurprisingly. For one, I noticed that her irises were the same green as Millie’s. She wore a more stylish pair of horn-rimmed glasses than her sister, which worked in concert with her many facial piercings to make them stand out a little more. Her hair was just past her shoulders, hanging straight, even, and shiny in the way that only heat and lots of product can deliver. The deep crimson color showed a more professional-looking dye-job than expected from the Cheese family so far.

I saw Millie roll her eyes at the edge of my vision, chewing her mouthful of pizza as her eyes wandered around the table in front of her.

“Aren’t you gonna introduce me?”

Millie pretended not to hear her for a second but quickly chickened out in the uncomfortable silence. I interrupted before she could finish chewing.

“I’m Mia,” I offered my hand with a practiced smile, “Nice to meet you.”

“Lizzie. And likewise…” Lizzie took my hand and planted a brief kiss on it with a peculiar look on her face that lingered for far longer, “If I knew Millie had a hot date planned, I’d have sprung for something a little more festive…”

“It’s totally fine. I’m starving…”

“Aw, c’mon Mil. You can’t let your girl go hungry on the first date,” She teased, playfully chuckling.

Millie turned pink and started to say something.

“It’s not her fault, sweetie. Semi-solids just don’t linger on the stomach for long,” I gave her a sly smirk, “You know how it is.”

Millie went into a mild coughing fit as she inhaled a bit of the pizza she was chewing, turning redder by the second. Lizzie just stared at me unblinking for a moment as she turned my words over a few times in her head. Then she reached for a slice herself, disengaging from the conversation at hand with a small laugh.

At Lizzie’s direction, I helped myself to one of the sodas and prepared to go absolutely feral on the wings. That’s when I heard the click of heels behind me. And that, ladies and gents, is when things start to get weird.

Well… weirder.

I paid no attention as the unseen heels transitioned into relative silence when they reached the carpet. I didn’t even look behind as her shadow moved across the couch. I hunched over like a barbecue sauce-covered gremlin, peeling meat from the bone with surgical precision. I didn’t even turn an eye up as she walked around to the couch arm that Lizzie was sitting by.

“Your drink, master…” a sweet voice quietly announced.

“Thank you, Kitten. Will you join us for dinner?” Lizzie put on a bit of a strange voice as she answered. Sort of like if you were making fun of a British person, but couldn’t quite pull off the accent. I was glad I had my mouth full of chicken so I couldn’t say anything.

“I would love to. I apologize for the less-than-elegant meal,” Lizzie’s girlfriend paused to curtsy. “The water damage ruined what I had cooked…”

I snorted with barely-contained laughter.

“You’re fine, dear. Have a seat…”

Wow, this bitch was laying it on thick. I couldn’t resist looking at this point. When I glanced up, I saw exactly what I expected. Black stilettos. Fishnets. Vestigial apron over a lacey, black dress which was so short that the petticoat peeked out from beneath it. Black hair. Great body. Hell, her boobs barely even fit into that top.

Wearing a sexy maid outfit to your partner’s parent’s house was a little shameless even for me, but I wasn’t going to make a thing out of it. She was trying a little too hard, so I figured this must be like… a lifestyle thing that they were trying out. Admittedly a little cringey, but to each their own.

At least until she stood up from her bow, and I saw her face.

“KIM!?” I screamed, surely spitting sauced-up chicken everywhere.

The color drained from Kim’s face, and she broke character for the first time. She didn’t say anything, but her cute little maid pose had turned into a fight-or-flight stance. Millie and Lizzie looked between us, obviously waiting for one of us to elaborate.

“You two uh… know each other?” Lizzie raised a studded eyebrow.

Kim shook her head as her eyes pleaded with me.

“She’s my sister, actually,” A joyless grin gradually replaced my shocked expression. That made Kim a little nervous.

“Y’know… I thought you two looked kinda similar, but I wasn’t gonna be the white girl in the room,” Lizzie chuckled, obviously trying to de-escalate the mood.

“Mia… c—can I um… speak to you?” Kim croaked, “In private?”

“As much as I’m dying to hear this, I sprained my ankle clapping this nerd’s cheeks in the shower,” I shot back at a volume that made everyone uncomfortable, “So we’ll have to discuss the matter here.”

Millie turned bright pink in the face, noticeable even through the blush I had applied to her cheeks. Lizzie took a big drag off of her vape pen and pretended she was somewhere else. I crossed my arms and growled. Kim stood there silently in her stupid little costume, doing her toes together and fidget routine before she finally looked back at me.

Kim is my sister, as the astute may have gathered—well, technically my half-sister, I guess. We have different dads, but neither of them was super-present in our lives growing up. But that’s neither here nor there.

She stayed out of trouble; she had perfect grades, perfect attendance, and never broke our parental curfew. More importantly, she always did what she was told, and only dated the most white-bread, mother-approved guys to ever walk the earth. Just long enough to hold hands and see a few movies for free, and then she’d split. Mom loved that. Never had to worry about her favorite child getting up to any hanky panky or whatever dusty 40+ hags call sex now.

That might strike you as weird because—as the current situation illustrates—Kim’s fucking gay. I had been covering for her for the past two and a half years. Because she wasn’t out yet, and I most certainly was, thanks to her.

Oh, and what were her first words to me upon being caught mid-femdom scene?

“You’re not gonna tell mom, are you?”

I would’ve slapped her across her stupid face, but violence hadn’t gotten me very far today. So I just stared at her instead.

“M—… Maybe we should talk… later…” Kim conceded, somewhat defeated.

“Good plan,” I tilted my head toward her and smiled sarcastically, “Calm down, you know I never talk to that bitch anyway.”

“I won’t tell her either…” Kim clarified, sighing in relief.

“First time for everything,” I spoke as softly as I could through my gritted teeth.

Kim sat down and tried to make herself as small as possible, scooting as close to Lizzie—and as far away from me—as she could.

“So uh… anyone want a drink?” Lizzie blurted out, mildly desperate to halt the encroaching silence.

“Tequila,” I answered, barely giving Lizzie time to finish asking, “Lots of it.”

Kim started to stand up, but Lizzie put a hand on her shoulder and then hopped to her feet.

“Nah, I’ll get it, Kim. You want the usual?”

“S—sure, but I can—” Kim clung to Lizzie’s arm as she stood, but Lizzie peeled her off and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“No no, I insist. Just relax and eat,” Lizzie assured her, vanishing into the kitchen before Kim could mount a proper protest.

We sat there awkwardly for precisely five seconds before Millie hopped to her feet with far less subtlety.

“Where are you going?” I probed.

“W—w… y’know…” Millie shrugged and fidgeted for a moment before finally spitting out, “B—bath… room?”

And like that, she all-but-ran out of the room, which left Kim and me alone on the couch. The Cheese sisters weren’t the craftiest, but they were certainly more in sync than Kim and I were. I briefly considered hopping after Millie, but Kim started talking before I could decide.

“Can we… not do this tonight?” She croaked out.

Do you remember those things that I don’t handle gracefully? Like falling? You can comfortably add tears to that list as well. I’ve slept with people just because that was easier to deal with than watching them cry in front of me. There’s no block button IRL, you know?

“Fine… okay?” I conceded, “Fine.”

The silence that followed probably didn’t last nearly as long as it felt.

“I’m sorry about Mom… and all that…” She blurted out.

“I thought you said we weren’t going to do this tonight?”

“Right… Okay…”

This one felt exactly as long as it was. Kim, unable to endure the crushing silence, piped up again.

“Can we talk about it later?”

“Kim… what are you doing right now? I promise not to ruin your cosplay fuck-date,” I sat up and put a stern finger to her forehead, “But you’re not ruining my non-cosplay fuck-date either. I’m gonna get drunk, and I’m gonna get real slutty with my huge-dicked nerd girlfriend. And you’re gonna shut the hell up about it. Got it?”

I turned away from her, crossed my arms, and flopped back against the couch. I thought that she would get the hint that the conversation was over, but I could tell from the little glint of light from her glasses that she was still looking at me.

“What?” I threw my arms up, staring daggers.

“Your… girlfriend?” Kim’s eyes lit up, “You have a girlfriend?”

My face suddenly felt very hot as I processed what I had said. I crossed my arms a little tighter and slumped down a little further.

“Kim…” I warned, glaring at her.

“Right, okay! Um… I’m happy for you though. Is that okay to say?”

“Whatever…” The genuine happiness in her voice boiled my blood.

There were approximately two seconds of quiet before she started talking again.

“So how did you guys meet!?”

“Kim!” I raised my voice a little this time, and she seemed to get the picture.

“Oh, okay. Right. Sorry…” She apologized, but that insufferably giddy smile didn’t falter in the slightest.

Millie and Lizzie came back a few minutes later. The elder Cheese passed out the drinks, while the younger took her seat next to me. Millie took a big gulp out of what looked like an old movie theater cup as she sat down.

“Tequila sour for the toaster strudel,” Lizzie chuckled, handing me a rather expertly mixed drink.

“Fuzzy navel for the cute one,” She gave Kim a peck on the cheek, eliciting an embarrassed giggle in response.

“And whiskey on the rocks for the barkeep…” She concluded, sinking into the couch.

Normally, that ‘strudel’ crack would have warranted retaliation, but the expertly mixed drink was already bringing a pleasant heat to my face.

“You might wanna take that slow, pint-size… it’s a little strong,” Lizzie warned and I promptly ignored it.

Kim barely kept her mouth shut long enough for them to sit down before leaning over me to offer a hand to Millie.

“Hi, I’m Kim—Mia’s sister,” Kim beamed.

“Oh… h—…h—hi. Millie. L—…izzie’s sis—ster,”

Millie shook Kim’s hand before I pushed her off me.

“Kii—iimmmm…” I growled.

“I’m sorry! I’m just excited…” She looked back at Millie, “She goes on dates all the time, but she hasn’t had like a real partner in forever! We’ve never done the whole double date thing before, and like… I know the circumstances are a little awkwar—”

“KIM!” I seethed, but Kim seemed a little braver now that there were witnesses.

“O—Oh…” Millie chuckled, unsure what else to say.

“It’s nice to meet you!” Kim smiled, ignoring the murderous look in my eyes.

Millie smiled and started to respond just as I downed my drink.

“You wanna get me a refill, maid-chan?” I interrupted, passing the empty cup to Kim, “Thanks.”

Kim gave me a side-eye but finally got the hint to tone it down a notch. Unfortunately, the fact that I got another cocktail was something I would come to regret.

Cut to about an hour later. When all the alcohol hit me at once. We were about halfway through… some superhero movie? I don’t know, they all blend together. It had the Snakes on a Plane guy in it, I think. Eh, it doesn't matter.

The glow of the TV screen bathed the couch in flickering, scattered illumination. I was snuggled up under Millie’s arm, clearly losing interest much faster than everyone else. So that left me both drunk and bored. The sum of those two parts is idle hands doing exactly what they’re said to do—devilish work. You can probably guess what drew the attention of my wandering digits.

Millie’s eyes widened, a tiny “umph!” escaping her throat. She gave me a “what the fuck are you doing” look, pointing out the nearby company as subtly as she could manage with the amount of alcohol she had in her. With a grin like a naughty child, I snuggled up under her arm, massaging the very noticeable sausage roll running down the leg of her pajamas.

“Oh… mygod,” I marveled, much louder than I realized at the time, “It’s not even hard yet!

Millie glanced between me and the other couple with a nervous laugh, clearly embarrassed. She gently grabbed my wrist and tried to nicely push it away. Unfortunately for her, I have two hands.

“Like, seriously! Can you even wear shor—Oh~! Can you do that thing where you like… rip your panties just by popping a boner!?” I prattled and slurred on, slipping my other hand under hers to continue petting her.

“Mia…” Millie’s body language could be used to define the word “conflicted” for non-native speakers. She was very clearly enjoying my shameless fascination with her monstrous endowment, but mortified by the fact that I was being loud enough to hear from the next room, “…y—you’re dr—unk.”

“Lucky you!” I beamed, giving her meat a good squeeze, “I’m a very fun drunk…”

“M—Mia, they’re r—right over th—th—ere… isn’t it a… little… weird…?” Millie argued, obviously straining to keep her beast asleep, “B—besides, this is a—… a pretty… good movie. You’d like it…”

“Oh, maybe you’re right,” I turned to Lizzie and Kim, “Could you guys quit with the panty vibes and fingering? Millie thinks it’s weird, and she wants to watch the movie.”

Kim’s jaw fell to the floor. Lizzie tried to pretend she didn’t hear me, but couldn’t control her nervous laughter. Not to mention they both turned a shade of pink that was visible even in the dim light. Millie seemed very confused for exactly 1.5 seconds before she had a moment of realization, followed by a thousand-yard stare in the general direction of the TV.

“Thanks, guys! Hands above the blanket!” I scolded, wagging my finger at the other two, “Oh, and take the remote out of your pocket, please.”

Lizzie and Kim, still too embarrassed at being caught and called out to offer a counter argument, begrudgingly complied.

“There we go, Millie! No icky sex stuff to ruin Benedryl Cumuliform and the Himbo Battalion vs. Scroteface and His Bedazzled Glove,” I snuggled back up to her with a broad grin, and gave her a peck on the cheek, “Love youuu~”

To her credit, Millie lasted longer than I thought she would. I felt her start fidgeting around fifteen seconds out, glancing at me every few seconds in hopes of catching my eye. I wasn’t going to make it that easy though. Drunk Mia is brattiness unchained.

“M—… Maybe we c—c—ould…” She trailed off, finally cracking around the 1:03 mark.

“Hmm?” I smiled up at her with practiced innocence.

“W—well… I mean… If they were already… I don’t want to… um…”

“Oh, I gotcha,” I nodded, looking at the other couple on the opposite side of the couch, “I’m sorry, guys! I misunderstood what Millie meant. You guys can keep doing your fuck things — That doesn’t bother us at all! We’re just gonna watch the movie, though. Sorry again for the mix-ups!”

I settled back into my seat and snuggled up with Millie’s arm around me. I even looked up at her for approval, just to salt the wound.

Okay, I admit that I was playing unnecessarily dirty. In my defense, that movie is like a week and a half long or something. I don’t understand how you’re supposed to watch it without a fuck break in the middle.

“Well, I mean—… we could—… you know… touch… if you want,”

“Nope! You said it was weird, Miwwie, and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything…” I ‘assured’ her, snuggling back up, “Besides, this is getting good! I think Grimace’s Hot Dad is about to punch someone! Again!”

I caught a glimpse of Lizzie’s face with a glance, and it was extremely apparent that everyone in the room knew exactly what I was doing—aside from Millie, of course. The elder sister just shook her head. Kim’s face was more like, “Just put the poor thing out of her misery already.”

“I… I don’t th—ink it’s www-weird… I just… didn’t w—want to… to make anyone else—… but… um…” She paused, lowering her voice to a whisper, “I want you to…”

“Huh? You’re gonna have to speak up, Millie. God, I love how this movie’s dialogue is so quiet and its punchy-boom sounds are so loud!”

“I w—want you to…”

“Want me to wha—Oh, shhh! Crisp Rat and Bendywho are talking…”

“To um… touch it,” Millie whispered.

“Touch what?” I asked, still pretending to be interested in the movie.

“M—my… c—oc—ck,”

“But you said it was weiiiiirrrrrrd~”

“I’m sorry. P—please?. It’s not w-w-weird…”

“You suuuuuuure?” I teased, twirling my index finger on the spot of precum on her pant leg.

Millie’s face was starting to scrunch with effort as she turned a shade of pink that practically glowed in the dark. She swallowed hard and nodded slowly.

I crawled into Millie’s lap and stared into those pretty green eyes that piss me off so much. With a giggle and smirk, I dragged the hem of my shirt up my body, slowing to a tantalizing crawl as I pulled it across my heavy breasts. I made sure to pull tight and lift ‘em high before they finally spilled out.

“Prove it,” I sneered, seated with my legs spread to either side of her.

Millie’s eyes took a rather… meandering path downward. The journey from eye contact to neckline went smoothly enough, but neckline to abdomen seemed to hit a roadblock—or perhaps two. The drop and jiggle routine seemed to captivate her even more than I’d expected.

In fairness, the fountainheads of my lower back pain ensnared more than just Millie. With a cursory glance, I gave Lizzie a drunken blep to make it plain that I saw her staring.

Millie finally got her eyes on the prize and reached down to touch my cock through the soft cotton panties that restrained it. I sighed in contentment as she gave the area an exploratory caress, egging her on.

“Don’t be shyyyyy~” I teased, throwing my arms around the back of her neck, “C’mon, nerd. Jerk it like nobody’s home!”

I would later realize two things that were very pertinent to the situation that followed. Firstly, Millie wasn’t drinking apple juice out of that fifty-something-ounce Star Wars cup. No, she had been throwing back a cocktail that was almost pure vodka, which she had refilled at least twice during the seven-hour nerd war currently occupying the screen.

Secondly, Millie drank like a goddamn demon. She glanced once at our respective sisters with their hands drunkenly worming their ways under each other’s clothes and threw caution to the wind. An arm slipped past me as she grabbed for her drink—which was still nearly full, by the way—and brought it to her lips. She threw her head back and upturned it, downing the whole thing in what couldn’t have been more than a few seconds.

That’s when I knew I was in trouble. Both of her arms slipped behind my back before I even realized what happened.

“What the—!? Hey!” I wiggled and squirmed as much as my chemically diminished coordination would allow.

She hugged me tight against her chest and just… stood up. Her cheek pressed against mine as she planted a few meandering kisses on my neck. I winced and playfully pushed her face away, leaning back as far as I could. By this point, you should know how well that worked. My feet waggled back and forth, suspended more than a foot off the ground.

“Mia, you’re… soooooo… pretty! I wuvvvv youuuu~” God, she smelled like a fucking bar rag. Don’t forget, I was two or three tequila sours deep and her booze breath still singed my nose hairs. Her stutter seemed better, though. Given—she was talking a lot slower and slurring now.

“Put me down and jerk my fuckin’ cock already, you fucking troll!“ I drunkenly yelled, continuing my bratty resistance.

“I want a kiss,” Millie huffed, refusing to let me down.

“Kiss my ass, you pizza-faced sasquatch!”

Millie giggled drunkenly just long enough for me to realize my poor choice of words.

“Don’t you da—yeeek!”

Millie side-flipped me over her arm like a baton, pulling me back into her embrace, albeit rotated 180 degrees… vertically. My extra-baggy shirt fell over my head while I panicked.

“Millie! P-put me down!” I screamed, clawing behind my back to try and grab onto her.

She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry at me.

“I-I’m gonna fall!” I gave up on trying to grab onto Millie and just covered my face.

“You’re not gonna fall. I’ve got you. See?” Millie lifted me even higher to prove her point. I shrieked like an extra in a Friday the 13th sequel.

“Millie, if you drop me, I swear to god!”

“I’m not going to drop you!” Millie snapped back with some annoyance, “I’ve still got to get my kiiiiiiissss~”

“Wait! I—”

My face screwed up as Millie’s tongue circled my puckered backdoor, making my terror-flaccid cock jump to life. She wrapped her long fingers around my cock and played me like a fucking slide whistle, her circles growing tighter with every second as she closed in on her prey. I tried to maintain a shred of my dignity by staying quiet, but the closer she got, the louder my moans became. By the time her tongue started massaging my little starfish—prodding it to twitch and dance, coaxing it to let her in—I could feel the wetness from my neglected pussy flowing around my taut nuts.


Millie departed the crevice of my parted asscheeks, a string of spit briefly connecting her tongue and my twitching rosebud. I shrieked in distress as Millie flipped me right-side-up, and planted a kiss on the back of my neck as she set my feet on the floor.

“You were twitching so much!” Millie put her head on my shoulder, and nuzzled against my cheek, “Did you enjoy the kiss~?”

I hid my face in my hands and shook my head, trying to ignore how close I came to cumming from a lazy handjob and a tongue in my asshole.

Kim pulled her lips off of the elder Cheese’s neck to snicker. I gave her the kind of glare that normally summons lightning bolts. She buttoned her lip but continued to snicker.

“Something funny, kitten?” Lizzie asked, noticing the sudden divide in her partner’s attention.

“Oh, nothing…” She switched to a drunken whisper that everyone in the room could still hear, “Mia’s just trying to pretend she isn’t the biggest butt slut of all time.”

Kim, what the fuck!?” My face started to burn again, the redness in my cheeks obvious even with my face covered.

“What? Wait… are you embarrassed? Oh my god! This has never happened before! We shared a room until my freshman year, and you’re embarrassed about it now?”

“Kim, I swear to god!” I warned, but it was plain to all present that my threat was empty.

“Hmm…” Lizzie chuckled, slowly slipping Kim’s skirt and panties down to her knees. A moan forced her mouth agape as Lizzie squeezed her ass, “I wonder if it runs in the family?”

My sister turned bright pink as her tatted-up girlfriend spread her ass east and west in full view of Millie and me.

“O—Oh… p—please don’t spread me like that…” Kim’s voice came out meek and tiny, more felt than heard, “It’s embarrassing…”

Lizzie growled in her throat as she put a slap across each of Kim’s smooth, round cheeks, making her little maid yip and squirm as the sharp pain became a dull heat. The red handprint on Kim’s ass held the imprint of the ring on Lizzie’s left hand, leaving a very noticeable pattern.

“Do you remember the safe word?” Lizzie asked with a sickening sweetness in her voice.

“Yes ma’am,” Kim replied.

“Good girl…”

Lizzie softly stroked her cheek with one hand and ran fingers through Kim’s hair with the other, giving her little maid a kiss that was straight-up pornographic. I saw Kim’s knees start to shake just before Lizzie finally pulled away.

“So… if you remember the safe word… and you’re not using it… tell me,”—Lizzie’s soft strokes turned harsh as quickly as her voice, the punky Cheese roughly gripping her sub’s face—“Where did you get it in your sweet little head that you can tell me what to do with my property?”

“I’m sorry, ma’am! I didn’t—“

Lizzie laid another slap across her exposed ass. Kim jumped a little with the sting but didn’t raise a hand to cover it, both of them still clasped in front of her like a good maid. She took a moment to consider her next words before she spoke.

“It won’t happen again. I promise, ma’am,” Kim pleaded.

Lizzie let go and allowed her to stand up straight again.

“That’s a good start,” She said flatly, leaning on her elbow.

“Perhaps I should use my mouth for something… more fitting?” Kim’s face was flushed as she sank to her knees, and I suspect it wasn’t just the alcohol, “With my lady’s blessing, of course…”

Lizzie said nothing as she stared down coldly at Kim rubbing her cheek along the thigh of her master’s jeans. However, it seemed that Kim took that as an affirmative. She unhooked Lizzie’s belt and opened her fly, reaching her hands in to fish out the elder Cheese’s cock.

With a few tugs, Lizzie’s bottoms slid down to her mid-thigh, and her cocks bounced free—and no, that wasn’t a typo. Cocks. Plural. Sweet girl-boss above, Cheese and quality meat went hand in hand.

Lizzie had the same basic setup as her sister downstairs—a sausage and clam plate, but no fruit to be found. The difference was that she double ordered the beef. They weren’t as big as Millie’s, obviously—two of those monsters would turn morning wood into a fatal anemic shock.

“Oooh~ You’re already so hard, ma’am!” Kim swooned, rubbing up against Lizzie’s double stack of shafts, “I’m glad to know that my offense didn’t dampen your enthusiasm.”

“Mind your tongue, slag,” Lizzie scowled, attempting to maintain her domineering persona despite her obvious eagerness.

“I always do, my lady…” Kim traced a figure eight around Lizzie’s twin cockheads, “As you well know, my tongue is very disciplined…”

The blush that spread across Lizzie’s cheeks contrasted her cold stare.

I felt hands on my hips. My feet left the ground again. I shrieked for the third or fourth time that night as my world turned over and over until I finally landed on the couch with a soft, “umph!”.

It wasn’t until I felt Millie’s shins pinning my arms to the cushions that I realized what happened. Just in time for her to slap that monster across my face a few times, giggling gleefully the whole time.

She had flipped me over onto the couch, planting my head and shoulders on the seat cushions, my spine against the backrest, and my legs dangling above me like some sort of cartoonish pratfall. Then, she straddled and pinned me there.

“M’onna suck… this…” Millie slurred happily as I squirmed, effectively immobilized. She had to do a little bit of tongue-work to get my leaky half-mast into her mouth, but once she did? It wasn’t soft for very long.

She shoved my cock into the back of her throat, using her tongue and the natural contractions of her throat to not-so-gently coax me to my umpteenth erection of the day. I swear she must breathe through her ears or something.

“Ffffuck…” I groaned, gritting my teeth to stave off the inevitable, “MMMMilllllliiieeee… h-hold o—“

I didn’t get to finish that thought. She’d been waiting for that moment the whole time. Without an ounce of hesitation, she pulled her lips all the way back to my tip and throated herself back to the base. She fucked her face on my cock, spit and pre dripping down her chin and onto my tummy. Not that it made much difference. Her cock, still draped across my face and down my chest, drooled a steady stream of cowper as she dragged it slowly back and forth—lightly bucking her hips just enough to keep it mostly hard. It drove me insane.

My fear from earlier in the day came true in short order. Allowed to throat me at her own pace, Millie had me begging in literal seconds. Cum spurted from my tip before my orgasm had even truly begun—slurped and sucked from my aching nuts by Millie’s relentless assault. I screamed in equal parts ecstasy and agony as she throated me well past the end of my bliss and into the hypersensitive, toe-curling tickle of the comedown.

Well, what would have been my comedown. As I said, she didn’t even slow down when I filled her mouth. Just a couple of quick gulps, not even breaking her rhythm.

“S—stop, you fucking f—f—freak…”

My face burned even hotter as I heard my voice. What I had intended to be a biting, venomous jab had come out instead as a mewling, submissive whine. And I think Millie liked it quite a bit.

How do I know, you ask? Well you see, I could feel her fucking elephant truck throbbing on my god damn face. Not to mention her muffled giggling against my pelvis.

Her knees left their position pinning my arms to the couch cushions, and I briefly thought she was going to let me go. Instead, she propped her feet against the floor, raising up so that she could put all her weight into forcing every last inch of me into her throat. The bitch was fucking planking on my cock, doing little half-pushups to throat herself even further.

I got a little light-headed at that point. My mouth hung open as she forced another watery, depleted climax from me. Her cock slid across my face with every advance and retreat, leaving a stream of her viscous pre wherever it went.

Then it happened. By chance or by design—I was far too cloudy to tell the difference—her cock retreated across my neck, over my chin, and across my bottom lip. I exhaled at precisely that moment, signaling to some animalistic part of Millie’s vodka-addled brain that there was an open hole.

Her knees buckled. Her hips thrust. Her cock buried itself halfway to my fucking stomach before I even had the chance to gag. Fortunately, lodging her dick down into my ribcage distracted her enough that she finally released my overspent cock—the only mercy I would be afforded for the moment.

Millie groaned in rapturous satisfaction, drunkenly plunging her cock in and out of my mouth. Spit flew from my overstretched gullet with every manic thrust—my tongue pinned to the floor of my jaw by her inhuman girth. Tears and running mascara cut a path down my forehead and into my hairline as she continued to savagely maul my gag reflex into submission.

“M’onna… m’onna… m’onna…” She babbled, hilariously extending the courtesy of alerting me to her impending orgasm.

As hot as this all was in theory, the fact was that I was seconds from passing out from the lack of oxygen. I reflexively slapped at her thighs in an attempt to escape asphyxiation, not really expecting it to be any more effective than it had been last time… but to my surprise, Millie leapt to her feet immediately, pulling her cock from my throat almost as quickly as she had put it in.

I gasped for air as soon as the obstruction cleared my airway. My eyeliner ran down my face as I coughed, my eyelashes coated with pre and drool—not unlike the rest of my upper body.

“Mia? Oh d—dear… M—Mia? Are you…?” Millie stopped short, realizing that her question had a rather obvious answer, “M—… Maybe we should… go to bed…”

I didn’t say anything. I just nodded softly as my eyes drifted closed, happily drunk and utterly exhausted.

Oh wait, I forgot about Kim and Lizzie. Well, this chapter was getting a little long anyway. That’s a story for another day, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Please continue! I love this story so much!
